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U.S. Trade Deficit Widens in November

1/13/2012 9:15:00 AM
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The U.S. trade deficit expanded by 10.4% in November as exports declined to a four-month low, the Commerce Department said Friday.

The gap between imports and exports rose to $47.8 billion, the highest since June, from a revised $43.3 billion in October that was lower than originally reported, Commerce figures showed.

Economists had projected the deficit would widen to $45 billion from the previously estimated $43.5 billion in October, Bloomberg reported.

Exports decreased 0.9% to $177.8 billion as shipments to Europe declined, Bloomberg said.

Imports rose 1.3% to $225.6 billion, the highest in six months, as crude oil and automobile imports rose.

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U.S. Trade Deficit Widens in November (1/13/2012 9:15:00 AM)
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